Dentofacial Orthopedics – Fort Lauderdale, FL

A Less Invasive Way to Improved Misaligned Bites

Many patients do not consider that a person’s facial development plays a significant role when discussing orthodontic treatment. However, for teeth to move, the underlying bone must be evaluated, and depending on the findings of your doctor, dentofacial orthopedics in Fort Lauderdale might be required. Although most frequently used as part of a child’s orthodontic journey, they, too, can be used as part of an adult’s treatment plan. Don’t hesitate to contact our office to find out if this type of orthodontic treatment might benefit you or your child.

Why Choose Oceanside Orthodontics for Dentofacial Orthopedics?

0% Interest In-House Financing Available

Patients See Dr. Quintanal at Every Visit

Advanced Technology for Optimal Accuracy

Who Can Benefit from Dentofacial Orthopedics

Who Can Benefit from Dentofacial Orthopedics?

Younger patients tend to be the ones who can benefit most from dentofacial orthopedics, solely because their facial growth and development are not complete. This means that their underlying bone is still flexible and mobile, making it easier to deliver treatment. However, adults are also considered candidates but are likely to experience more strenuous and invasive procedures because the bone is already firmly in place. Some of these recommended approaches might include surgery.

Dentofacial Orthopedics for Children

The types of dentofacial orthopedics children might be required to wear include everything from headgear and activators to a fixed bite block or upper jaw expander. They may be recommended before braces or Phase 1 Pediatric Orthodontics begins, as they help to move the direction of the bone so that it settles in the appropriate area and makes any form of orthodontic treatment easier.

A thorough consultation with Dr. Quintanal is required, as he will review your child’s teeth and bite to determine if any jaw abnormalities exist. If he finds that dentofacial orthopedics is essential, you can trust that the device(s) used will help to reposition your child’s facial structure and encourage better tooth development over time.

Dentofacial Orthopedics for Children
Dentofacial Orthopedics for Adults

Dentofacial Orthopedics for Adults

Adults with bone malformations can receive dentofacial orthopedic treatment; however, it will likely look vastly different than a child’s. The reason is that the bone is already set in place, making it much harder to move. This is why Dr. Quintanal may suggest surgical interventions such as jaw surgery.

The results of this invasive procedure can be life-changing, though, as you will notice a dramatic change in the way your mouth moves and operates. Not only can you enjoy improved bite alignment, but it will set you up for a more successful journey once braces are applied.

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